You know not to put your cart before your horse, but did you also know not to put your design before your content?
A huge hurdle many companies face when writing copy is that they already have the layout for their project mocked up and want the copy to fit into it. Sometimes this doesn’t allow for the needed space to convey a message or it may give too much space that ends up being filled with pointless content. You want your message to set the tone of your brand, and then for the design and layout to follow.

A huge benefit of working for a company like TIK:TALK is that when a new client comes to us, I get to work hand-in-hand with the entire team to decide the best way to display the message. While we come up with a few ideas for the look and layout based around the key points and calls to action we know we need to stress, nothing is set until the copy is produced.
When a new project comes along, the first thing I do is get to know the brand of the client, if I haven’t already interacted with them. I then figure out what the main message is that they are wanting to convey and the target audience they are wanting to reach with the project. Once I have a handle on that, I begin the writing process. As I am writing, I work closely with our in-house team to make sure that our ideas are all lining up. I confirm that our creative director sees the way I envision displaying the text and that our web developer can write the code needed for that.
When you have a team working together as closely as us here at TIK:TALK, it makes the creative process run so much more smoothly. We just get the order of things, which allows us to all contribute and feed off of one another. When you build your products around the content, and not the other way around, you produce a finished product that your clients love and that their potential clientele is drawn to.